Friday, February 25, 2005

Oh!!! Im just born!

...HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! =P~ ...hmm...forgot my own...8 though it was the 19th Feb, n today is the 24th !.....24th ...hun! ;) :))

So what the heck! was the first birthday of my life when I dint feel so good : though...there wasnt anything that bad about it and no apparent reason of feeling that way...but probably this figure 24 haunts me...
Its like Im just over the hill, at 23 I was on top of it, enthusiastic, n at 22 I was below it, careless. Three years of awakening from the teen dreams...
though i never really had those "teen" teens but still I was nieve, n vulnerable even more than I had thought...I had thought of the world in black n white, was scared of getting lost, so strongly held to the more tangibles_my principles n my values that were infact my default settings_the imprints...I was more concerned to have my feet on the ground then to hold up my head high in the sky, open my eyes, see ,experience n explore the world around. I was living in a box.
.....(may be continued...)

1 comment:

Mohib said...

"A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip."

It is an anonymous quote. I am not publicity hungry.

Cheer up, and write more on this topic.