Sunday, July 31, 2005

insanely me

im quiet. i want to say something , but word dont come... may be all i need is a true word of love and respect, but i doubt that.
i hate "admirers". ive become so sarcastic about it that as soon as a man starts flattering me, his words just tear my heart. im sick of it. it feels like there all dogs out there, who just wanna have a peace of me. thats the only part i hate about being a woman, that your gonna be chased all your life.
i dont want to be fancied, anymore.


flick said...
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flick said...


Natasha said...
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Natasha said...

men? what can you say. the word men says it all. i don't like them either. high five* sister :D

Anonymous said...

Generalization can be classified under 'logical fallacies' and that is associated with ignorance. Not all men are assholes, just like not all women are tramps or sluts as the media shows us. You ladies probably hang out with the wrong crowd.

An anonymous, humble man.

flick said...

im not talking about assholes. im talking about men. gentle men, smooth talkers, ladies men, the admirers, not the jerks.
and im not trying to generalize anything here. im talking about the way i feel it. everyday i come across this lot, but it always ends up me being a woman_ an "opportunity". even the best friend turns out to be just a man.

when you like something, why do you always have to want it, to posess it? why cant you just appreciate it and respect it as it is. after all its just another free soul, like you.
if its destined to bring you your share of happiness, youll get it anyway, why push things so hard, n make life tough for us, too.

i dont say it usually, but deep down inside it always hurts. and its just weak moments like these that bring this up.

i dont hate men. but i dont like people who are just always looking for a chance to get in to a personal relation.
P.S. :
sometimes i think, may be those days were better when they used to call us "behn", at least it showed some respectful intensions. in those times, marriage was a family affair. so individuals dint had to lose thier self-respect this way. anyway thats another thing.

Anonymous said...

When you say men, the term automatically embodies all men. Had you been a little more specific, it would've made things much less obscure. Anyhow, I know how you feel about certain men, who I agree can be asses. I have a girl friend who's been bothered by at least 10 guys on a regular basis and it is simply infuriating for her as well as me. Sorry about being so candid, but I just thought I'd offer some advice from my personal experience. Good luck with your lives and I hope those corrupted guys leave you girls alone.

Here's what I think is the problem. The media shows girls and guys getting along so well everywhere, on the beach, at a house party, at school, at lunch, etc. The guys don't get to see this in real life, at least not in most cases. When they start preying for girls, there are some girls who enjoy the company of guys to the extent that it becomes culturally as well as morally inappropriate. Once that happens, some guys start thinking every girl can be exploited once their soft spot is discovered. This is UNTRUE. There are girls who dislike hanging out with guys completely - not that they're not straight, but that they just do not want to be associated with the other girls who hang out with guys all the time. Then there are girls who enjoy guys' company just like they enjoy other girls' company. Certain guys believe that any girl that enjoys hanging out with guys must also enjoy relationships and one night stands. The root cause of this problem can and should not be blamed on guys but on the media, and society in which we live today. Humans - Men and Women alike are inherently naive, but are highly venal at young ages.

reedemer_x said...

First of all. . .Let me just call u. . .Behan! :D

NOw that aside, I have to say that what you say about men, is true for most men! But not for all of them. Infact, it is ordinary guys who get screwed beacuse of this "majority" of idiots!

I think the problem lies in "Platonic Relationships" think about it, a guy and a girl doing everything like they are dating each other and then calling it just a friendship. . .From my experience, I have seen it is not just guys who hit on girls, its also girls who hit on guys!

I lost my best friend, who happened to be a girl, she and I used to go out and have fun. Race around the city, eat out etc. But then somehow she felt attracted to me, and I didnt. The result of which was we couldnt see each other. To cut to the chase, if you put a guy and a girl in close contact, something is bound to happen. Thats human nature. . .

flick said...

may be your right
redeemer -x:
thanks! im honoured :D

may be you all are right. neither can i change the way it is nor the way i feel about it.
i just dont wanna make a mess outovmy life, so i try keeping things as straight as possible. but i cant change the way people think. so it just gets frustrating at times.

Dawn said...

:) flick...I can agree to u to some extent...but there are exceptions ....!
Many times ...we have to show them a way before even they start there...ways :)

I will pray for u ..may peace be showered!!! (ameen)

Anonymous said...

My best wishes. May you soon find the man who is upto your expectations. Believe me there are a lot of good ones out there.

AJ said...
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AJ said...

You post reminded me of Sarte's famous maxim from his play "No Exist"
L'enfer, c'est les autres
(Hell is other people)
The basic idea of the play is that one need not be physically tortured to get tortured, other people's actions and words can more than make up for it.

Vaqas said...

I confess that men dont respect women or at least dont give them what they deserve.

thats real and not good.

flick said...

surrey 405:
i dont like being hit as woman. i wsnt talking about any "other disappointments" here.

i know they are not all the same. but its hard to find men who respect women as a person. most of them just fancy them for being a beautiful thing.


one need not be physically tortured to get tortured.


the dilema.

its not just about boys as friends. everyday i step out to work, n im being hit. from the peon to the ceo, every man just gives me the same (shit). more "cultured"; more charming ways.