Tuesday, March 08, 2005

the myth of passion___continues

dunia jisey kehtey hain
jadoo ka khilaona hai
mil jaye tou mitte hai
kho jaye tou sona hai
the world we call it,
is a magic box
you have it, its dust.
you lose it, its gold

Still my eyes are soaring, I see ...all holes. The nothingness of it all, the point of no point. I cant fall free, I cant indulge, I cant feel the passion of life. the faces, the memories, the moments, the life, the dream, all seem ashes n dust. Except for the one being, the omnipresence, I see all black. My breath, my life, my soul all hanging up in space.
how will I fall for it? How will I live it till I live?


Mohib said...

Food for thought:

But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.

Paulo Coelho

flick said...

rings a bell? naaa. :)if i dont know you then how come you do?