Sunday, April 10, 2005

Rubaiyat of Umer Khayyam

There was a Door
to which I found no Key:
There was a Veil past
which I could not see:
some little talk awile of Me and Thee
There seem'd -- and then no more
of Thee and Me.
For in and out, above, about, below,
'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,
Play'd in a Box
whose Candle is the Sun,
Round which we Phantom Figures
come and go.
And if the Wine you drink,
the Lip you press
End in the Nothing all Things
end in -- Yes --
Then fancy while Thou art,
Thou art but what
Thou shalt be -- Nothing --
Thou shalt not be less.


Mohib said...

A few days before I came across the first one of these rubaiyaat.

Really loved it, as Abida sings,

na tou tuu raha na tou main raha, jo rahi to bekhabari rahi.

Will take some time to grasp the other two.

flick said...

yeah i loved the first one, the second one is quite simple, and nothing but the truth,perfect. n the last one, im mulling over it. :) but I guess, its the ultimate :D, cause I still dont get it ;) hehehe

Dawn said...

Its just amazing...last year I received this from someone to read and got so nostalgic about it...:)

Good sharing..:)